If you’re a fellow beauty-enthusiast, or perhaps just a bit curious about a particular product then hopefully you’ll feel you’ve come to the right place.

I do my best to give my honest opinions on products I have tried, and those I’m in the process of trying. I continuously add to my blog about new products, so hopefully it’ll be useful to you and you can enjoy reading about my thoughts.

From the blog

@alanasbeauty on Instagram

About Me

My name’s Alana and I’m passionate about beauty products. More to the point, I’m passionate about knowing which beauty products are worth spending money on, and which aren’t. There are so many brands and products out there these days, and I for one get overwhelmed by it all when I simply just want to try something out. There’s also the issue of sponsorships and PR, so it’s really difficult to tell who’s being truthful in their reviews and who’s just trying to get on a brand’s good side.

I’ll be honest with you about which products I’m sweet on, and those I’m not.

Although I work full-time in the Financial sector, I live full-time in a dream world about beauty. I fluctuate between makeup and skincare, trying out what works for me and what doesn’t work so well. I remember when I was younger I’d trawl through catalogues and choose what products I wanted for Christmas and birthdays (after I’d outgrown Barbie, of course!). One year I got the best present young me could get; a makeup kit. I must have been about 9 or 10 so I wasn’t allow to wear it out of the house, but wow I had so much fun using all the different products from blushers to mascaras, eyeshadows to lipsticks and so on. The possibilities seemed endless! I’m pretty certain that’s where my ( now unhealthy) obsession really began. Here I am not far off of 20 years later and I still get that same buzz when I’m trying out something new that I relented to buying in one of my spontaneous splurges (side note: these happen far too often).

My character doesn’t start and end with obsessing over beauty products, though. I’m a cat mum to a beautiful 18 year old feline, who often demands some attention when I’m paying too much to something else (aka my makeup). She has her own Instagram, of course, so feel free to check her out here. I also just love doing some nail art so keep an eye out for posts about that too. I’ll stop rambling now, but please do explore and I hope you enjoy!

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